Original Explanation
All that you have encountered are the results of the endless cycle of the good and the bad that you have done, whether in this life or previous ones. If you aspire to succeed and achieve your goals, remember the rule of nature, Dao. Be kind, keep a strong willpower, set clear goals, set clear boundaries, and act with integrity.
Updated Explanation
The best way to maximize your results is to acquire external help, especially from female elders. If you can sacrifice a little to give gifts on important holidays, there will be surprisingly good results.
The Meaning of the Original Hexagram
睽 Kuei When confronting differences between you and others, you must learn to see the shared points of views and the major differences in order to effectively communicate and tolerate each other all for the purpose of trust. Sometimes, it requires one to abandon certain principles to seamlessly work with others. If you can only oppose the differences, you will only make minor achievements.
Highlight:tolerate to make the maximum possible achievements. Opposing differences is for those who can't achieve greatness.
The Meaning of the Updated Hexagram
履 Lu Speak carefully, act with honesty, bear true kindness, persist on the right morals and beliefs, and make solid actions when required. By doing so, one is bound to achieve tremendous greatness and wellness.
Highlight:Speak carefully, act with honesty, bear true kindness, persist on the right morals and beliefs, and make solid actions.
Picture Explanation
Copper gong: playing percussion instruments, one must play at a solid, steady tempo. If not, the music becomes a mess. This suggests that one must not go off track of the right morals.
Copper tin: such material makes an instrument extremely bright. Besides the acoustic joy, there is also the visual joy that has to be valued.
1.There will be a mediator to resolve conflicts. 2.Two sides share the same goals. 3.Hard work will pay off. In the cities, one will thrive even more. 4.External help from the female can help resolve conflicts.
Matsu’s Words
Always be cautious. When dealing with more significant matters, be specially cautious of all details.
Seize All Opportunities
1.The year of Wu, May, and the hours of Wu are the most flourishing times of monetary luck. 2.When you find someone helpful, all problems may be solved. 3.All four seasons are good. March, June, September, and December are specially good. 4.When enough efforts are made, your future will immediately seem extremely bright. 5.When in conflicts, it is the best to value harmony. 6.Always be cautious in order to be in good fortune.
Details and Actions
1.The center is the best direction. 2.Because the center is represented by the element of earth, which contains all four other elements, any direction is a good way to seek brightness. 3.In pursuit of wealth, you should go towards the South. 4.In the cities, you will flourish.
Work with People
1.Be kind and honest to make a good karma. 2.Be cautious and tolerate the differences to avoid conflicts. 3.Let the respectful female elders help when necessary. 4.Keep a strong belief and make solid actions when needed. 5.Be like and work with those that know the importance of sharing given resources. 6.Be like and work with those that can give reminders and cooperate to achieve certain demands. 7.Be like and work with those that are trustworthy and passionate. 8.Be like and work with those that can work hard and pursue greatness.
Own Your Fate
1.How your karma is shaped entirely depends on the things that you have done. To make even better karma, if already well-shaped, you need to let the kind help you at times. 2.Giving gifts to the respected female elders on important holidays may help you in surprising ways. Be courteous. 3.The chances of success is greater when cooperating with others. So, go out with others and work with others to be in better luck. 4.When in mutual business, all financial/monetary reports must be clear to avoid conflicts. Be cautious at all time. 5.To pursue both wealth and fame, you need to go to the cities and make solid efforts.
Future: there will be external help, and your luck get a lot better after May.
Wealth: you're destined to acquire external help, which will give you tremendous profits.
Job Search: work hard regularly. Those with true skills will have a great job.
Exam: be cautious and have a clear goal, and success will come.
Education: with good recommendations, all things shall go well.
Career: with appreciation from those in higher positions and external help, you may live very smoothly.
Business: go out and develop. There will be some really helpful individuals that can assist you to achieve greatness.
Employing: with good management, your company will be loaded with great talents, but do let the female managers to pick the right candidates.
Farming: with careful management, especially on the livestock, you will be met with an abundant harvest.
Marriage: always be kind so someone special will come to your life.
Relationship: true happiness and tolerance are the key to a well-rounded family.
Network: tolerate differences and be cautious to maintain the harmony.
Lawsuits: when someone helpful comes, you may be reassured.
Family: a family with kindness as its core value may be met with gradually improving fortune.
Pregnancy:a boy with true mentor may be a son of greatness.
Not pregnant yet:be kind and let others help when necessary may give you great results soon.
House: be very clear about whether or not you are going to invest by yourself or not.
Immigration: it is the right moment to do so. Traveling: as long as you act kindly, there is no reason not to.
Grave: seek external help, and there will be a perfect spot for you.
Health: live a routine, healthy life and be aware of your diet. Manage your health as if you are managing a company.
Illness: find a good doctor and pray to the gods, then there will be no problem.
Lost items: be active and look for help when necessary. Try to find the lost items as soon as possible, then the problem will be solved.
Lost Individual: be active and look for help when necessary. Try to find the lost one as soon as possible, then the problem will be solved.
Asking About Others: tolerate different opinions, be cautious, and cooperate with those that can fully accomplish their tasks and duties.
Asking About Things: with proper, external assistance, the goals can be achieved harmoniously.
Direction: the center is the direction of benefit, and the South is the ideal way for further developments.
Time: all four seasons are good. When there is external help, the ultimate benefits can be tremendous.
Changing Name: with the new name, a kind one may be well-benefited. With external help, the benefits may be even greater.
Last Reminders
1.Try to understand the effects of karma, be kind, and help others out in order to build a bright future of your own. Furthermore, be cautious, cooperate with others harmoniously, and ask for help when necessary. 2.Sending gifts to your friends or work partners on important holidays can resolve conflicts or strengthen bonds. 3.Draw extremely clear boundaries between investing with others and running businesses on your own. 4.Working with others can be better than fighting alone. And, of course, the team has to learn to tolerate, cooperate harmoniously, trust, remind, and communicate. 5.In regards of physical health, you should find a new doctor and ask the gods for help as well. 6.Those that are not married yet will find someone special through both others' introductions and being kind. Those that are in a relationship may enjoy true happiness, share the same hobbies, and may get into marriage. The married tolerate and love each other. Doing well and bearing kindness together, they create a marriage with true happiness. 7.Be your friends' or work partners' reminder, cooperate harmoniously, and learn to praise others' achievements appropriately. 8.Be cautious at all time, especially when dealing with the significant matters.
籤詩解說:施勝台 顧問
Translated by Max Chiang (江孟樺)