夢中驚醒,警覺神明有事交待。於是,前往北港朝天宮,請示 天上聖母菩薩。經 天上聖母指示,有感現今的籤詩解說沒有統一,也沒有一定的準則,故要我編修一本新六十甲子籤詩,完成後,再拿給一位解籤的老師,編寫新的籤詩解。
聖母要我直接以擲笅方式,在自家的神明廳前,修正原籤詩,更指示每次修改籤詩內容的時候,必須事先稟香恭請 三官大帝及 天上聖母菩薩做主主持!
本人花了半年多的時間,六十支籤詩,前前後後共修正確認了四次。最後,再入朝天宮,請示 天上聖母做最後確認定奪!
修正期間,有感與原本廟方的籤詩出入很大,心存驚恐,深怕會造成紛擾爭端,屢次特地入廟再三請示 三官大帝、 天上聖母菩薩,確認無誤! 聖母、 大帝叫弟子不要心驚,在修正期間感應很多神蹟,本人不勝枚舉,無法一一細述。並指示此新籤詩完成後,新籤詩與籤詩解,將來是要作為教科書使用。
本人深怕此新籤詩範本推出,會造成紛擾不安,為求慎重不敢貿然公開推出。最後,特邀請 聖母指定的解籤老師,相約入廟恭請 三官大帝做最後定奪!確定依此新籤詩,請老師寫出新籤詩解,公開推出,連擲出三聖笅!但後來,因為經過了很多年,指定老師遲遲沒有進展,只能隨緣靜待安排,等有緣人幫忙。
直至2016年農曆七月 聖母指示本人,須在八月親自到板橋育德媽祖同修會處,將編修後的新籤詩範本,交付給 育德媽祖,由 施勝台顧問編寫新籤詩解,再由施顧問進行後續發展事宜。
施顧問也慎重詢問請示 育德媽祖,並親往北港朝天宮擲三笅,確認此事後,接下此任務,積極進行編寫新媽祖六十甲子籤詩解,而且,已經陸續在網站上,一一公開分享大眾。
前北港二媽轎班會會長 鄭勝文 謹記
The Beginning
The story of the exegesis started in 2011. Whilst savoring my dream, two tall and robust guards of the underworld, with their faces painted in white and black respectively, came into my sight and rendered a blue book of poems, “A mission for you !”
In awe and surprise, I woke up knowing that there is something I had to accomplish. A visit to Beigang Chaotian Temple revealed the truth that there was no unified system nor regular principle for interpreting the poems. So, I was assigned the mission of composing an universal, modern version of the sixty sacred poems and hand it to an expert interpreter to further revise the explanations for the updated poems.
Matsu specifically demanded me to cast the moon blocks at my home worship hall in order to get the correctly updated poems. Besides casting the moon blocks for the guidance of Matsu, I also had to verify the details with San Guan. This seemingly simple process took half of an year, during which the poems went through four major revisions. Finally, the Matsu of Chaotian Temple made the final verifications.
During the revision stage, there were a great deal of contradictions between the modern and the original poems. Such differences were feared due to the potential of creating conflicts. There were frequent visits to the temple to verify every single detail with San Guan and Matsu to avoid all possible mistakes. Thankfully, Matsu and San Guan told me to stop being so anxious but be kind and calm. Only a righteous mind can accomplish the mission of composing the new and universal exegesis to be referenced to in the future. Afterwards, inspirations that I had never imagined popped up.
My most profound fear has always been the possible conflicts caused by publishing the updated poems. But, Matsu assigned a specific poem interpreter to further accomplish the full job after casting three positives given by San Guan and Matsu. Despite the reassurance, I never met the assigned interpreter even after several years. The only thing I could do was to leave the encounter to fate.
Until the lunar July in 2016, I was told by Matsu that I had to visit the YDM to pass on the sacred task. It happened, and afterwards, Consultant Shih continued the long-paused process.
Consultant Shih, respectfully, also took the matters cautiously and seriously. Everything was verified with three positives from Matsu. His proactivity paid off. Now, there are already a great number of poems posted on the internet.
Five years apart from the beginning, I feel absolutely honored to be able to participate in such miraculous process and share it with others. I also expect a lot from YMD, responsible and great enough to further develop these poems and interpretations into a form of textbook for all of Matsu’s believers.
前北港二媽轎班會會長 鄭勝文 謹記
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