2016年八月,至北港金德興銀樓,拜會二媽轎班會前會長 鄭勝文先生。一見面鄭先生夫婦非常興奮,對本人說:「 北港媽祖要我們下個月,親自北上,將新六十甲子媽祖籤詩,交付給育德媽祖同修會,由您來編寫新籤詩解。」。
同時,告知本人,有關新籤詩的緣由及事情經過。聽了以後,覺得不可思議,太神奇了!因為,鄭老闆與本人有著共同的信仰,凡事都會以擲笅來與 媽祖溝通,經三聖笅確認聖意為準。所以,我當下表達很榮幸被 媽祖選中指派任務,但理工科背景出身的我,國學基礎不是很紮實,雖然有三十幾年,為人解籤詩及五術命理解惑的經驗,但不知是否有能力處理五年來無人可解開的籤文?
我要求先看看新籤文,確認我是否有能力擔當此重任。一翻閱新籤文,當下第一個念頭是「亂七八糟、神經病…」。鄭老闆看我猶疑,笑著說:「看過的人,都會說我是神經病!但是,我都是一字一字擲笅確認;最後,再向 媽祖確認三次無誤,才編寫出來的。等了五年, 媽祖要我交給您,相信 媽祖會給您靈感協助您完成。」。
在說話當下,我看到原籤詩中「兩家有損失」,在新的籤詩為「兩佳有損失」。突然,靈感一動,瞭解了 媽祖出新籤詩的意義及如何去解開這些沒有邏輯的字。原籤詩說:「要防您我兩家都會有損失。」,而 媽祖新籤詩再補充說:「如果您有兩個佳人,也就是男人有外遇,將會有損失。」。
所以,我就起了信心,答應接下此工作。當晚,立即前往朝天宮正殿,請示 媽祖,確認此事為真實不假的任務, 媽祖指示要收集並研讀目前流通的籤詩解,融會貫通後,編寫一本最詳盡、完整、簡單、易懂、合乎邏輯,符合新時代生活背景的籤詩解。
奇蹟似的,在擲笅問完事後,當晚在朝天宮值夜班的蔡先生,非常有耐心的,指導我解籤的要領,解籤就是要詳述如何把握「天時、地利、人和」的重點,這也是為什麼,抽籤一定要求到三個聖笅的原因。因為,「天時、地利、人和」三項都要對。而且 媽祖的信仰強調「明光順吉」,都是在指引迷津,趨吉避凶,所以,更要加上詳述如何「改變命運」的方法。
當晚在 北港媽祖的指導下,我便構思好編寫新籤詩解的大略雛形。一年半以來,我不敢懈怠,日以繼夜,專心投入在解 媽祖的籤詩,要感謝家人的體貼與諒解;六十籤六十關,一關一關的過,其中,神蹟似的,會有人主動幫忙提供所需要的相關資料與訊息。有時一支籤詩,花了二十幾天,解不出來,最後,只好暗禱 媽祖託夢幫忙,果然,隔天起床就有靈感,都能很順利解開籤意。
終於,在戊戌年正月全部寫完, 育德媽祖指示農曆三月十九日回到祖廟進香時,要全部上傳網路分享大眾,並印出一本新籤詩解,獻給 北港媽祖。在 育德媽祖安座十九週年慶時,正式出書,並且,也要開始進行英文版的譯本上傳網路,分享全球的媽祖信徒。
在此要感謝 鄭勝文先生,在前面作業的努力,並信賴將後續的工作交付給YDM,感謝 羽彤的事前作業,為我查詢生疏奇怪的字及籤文故事…等,協助寫作工作的進行,感謝 鼎賜的排版編輯,感謝 澐君負責校閱的工作,感謝朝天宮董事長及各位董事、同仁協助提供資料文獻,感謝所有熱心協助的同修們,最後深深感謝北港、豐原、各地 媽祖顯靈通,適時給予的開導及協助。
In the August of 2016, upon my visit for Mr. Jen, Shen Wen, Mr. and Mrs. Jen were excited to announce that YDM would be taking over the very responsibility of editing the modern exegesis of the sixty sacred poems. Meanwhile, I was meticulously told about the origin and history of the modern poems. The stories were simply extraordinary! Mr. Jen and I had the same belief, and we communicated with Matsu by casting moon blocks. After three positives, I was honored to be assigned such rare and meaningful task by Matsu. However, because of my science and engineering background, I was not familiar with the fundamentals. Despite having had over thirty years of experiences in interpreting sacred poems and Chinese fortune telling, I still doubted my own ability to truly comprehend and tell the meanings behind the poems that no one had been able to understand.
So, naturally, I asked to see the new poems in order to be sure that the task was not too far beyond my knowledge. At the first glance, I thought, “such a mess, are these even credible?”Mr. Jen looked at me and smiled, “everyone who read this said I have lost my mind. However, every word has been verified with Matsu triple times. After 5 years, Matsu finally asked me to give this task to you. And surely Matsu will assist and inspire you along the way.”
During our conversation, while glancing through the original poems, I saw the five words “兩 (Liang) 家(Jia) 有(Yo) 損(Suen) 失(Shih)”, literally meaning damages to both sides. I had a thought out of blue; five words “兩 (Liang) 佳 (Jia) 有(Yo) 損(Suen) 失(Shih)”, which implies that cheating, or having two partners, in a relationship or marriage will bring great damages.
As random as it seemed, I was confident enough to take over this task. I immediately visited the Matsu Palace of Chaotian Temple to verify, with Matsu, my responsibility in regards of the poems. I was honorably truly assigned the task. My job was to compose a modern, simple, concise, and yet, complete guide to the poems.
At the very same night, the night janitor Mr. Tsai patiently explained the key factors of these poems. They are opportunity, place, and people. This is exactly why the interpretations always revolve around these three points. When these three factors balance just right, one may truly grasp fate. And this is also why when casting the moon blocks, one must acquire three positives to be certain. Only after having truly comprehended fate, one can change it.
Under Matsu’s guidance, I already finished the framework of the exegesis at that night. During the next one and a half year, I never slacked off, focusing on the structure and details day and night. Speaking of this, I am absolutely and sincerely grateful to my family for their consideration and forgiveness. Along the way, many people offered me external help by giving me related information. Strangely, there was this one poem that took me twenty or so days to think through without having a clear answer at all. So I could only pray to Matsu for help. One night, I dreamed of Matsu, and as soon as I woke up the next morning, I had a great idea and very smoothly understood the poem! I truthfully thank everyone and Matsu!.
Finally, the exegesis was completed by the lunar March of Wu-Hsu year. YDM Matsu also instructed to showcase the modern exegesis on Matsu’s sacred birthday when returning to Chaotian Temple and further post it onto the internet. A copy of the exegesis was also contributed to Beigang Matsu. During the 19th anniversary of YDM, the exegesis was printed into books. At the same time, an English version was now happening to share the exegesis to Matsu’s believers across the globe.
Here I thank Mr. Jen’s pre-works, Yu Tong’s (from YDM staff) research on the weird symbols, words, and stories, Ding Tsz’s editing works, and Yun Jiun’s revisions. And I am also specially grateful for the president, directors, and faculty of Chaotian Temple for their contributions of every related piece of information. Last but not least, I must thank Matsu of all the different temples, from Beigang, Fangyuan, and all of the places, for their guidance and assistance
感謝大家! 媽祖慈悲!
YDM總顧問 施勝台謹記 2018.4.26
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