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YDM 歡迎您!! 關於 YDM YDM的沿革
如何線上學習? YDM例行活動介紹 平安祈福燈


The origin of Matsu in YDM Group is from Matsu’s fourth spirit in Beigan Chao-Tian temple. Chao-Tian temple which was built over three hundred years ago is located in Yunlin county in southern Taiwan. Yunlin county is one of the major cities for Matsu Taiwanese believers.

  育德媽祖同修會總顧問施勝台,於1999年受 北港媽祖感召指示, 媽祖要北上宣揚聖恩。

In 1999, Mr. Shengtai Shi, the head consultant of YDM Group, was inspired and instructed by Matsu in Beigang Chao-Tian temple to head northern Taiwan for promoting and sharing her grace.

  施勝台顧問慎重向北港朝天宮 媽祖共擲六聖笅確認, 媽祖神尊及兩位護駕將軍要同時北上發揮、護佑眾生。

The head consultant Mr. Shi received six times consent by throwing the divine blocks to bringing Matsu’s holy statue to northern Taiwan. Matsu would like to protect the people together with two generals.

  1999年農曆6月20日,於現址新北市板橋區文化路一段辦公大樓內,安奉 天上聖母、千里眼、順風耳兩位將軍、觀音菩薩及土地伯公五尊神像。

On June 20th of 1999 in lunar calendar, YDM Group settled 5 holy statues - Matsu, called also Tianshang Shengmu (天上聖母 meaning the God of Heaven), General Qianli-yan (千里眼 who can see things thousands miles away), General Shunfeng-er (順風耳 who can hear clearly thousands miles away), Guanyin (the Goddess of Mercy), and Tudi-gong (Groundskeeper God) at the present location. The present location is at a building addressed on Section 1, Yunhua Road, Banciao, New Taipei City, Taiwan.

  儀式結束後, 媽祖降靈指示,源自北港朝天宮的 四聖母,俗稱「四媽」。

At the settlement ceremony, Matsu confirmed her spirit is the known Fourth Holy Mother at Beigan Chao-Tian temple.

  2002年同修們認為須要成立一個團體來宏揚 媽祖聖恩。經向 媽祖擲笅確認,前後共九聖笅確定以「育德媽祖」為名,成立育德媽祖同修會。

In 2002, many believers who joined this team suggested to form a localized group to promote and share Matsu’grace as an organization. Thus, the believers got Matsu's consent for nine times by throwing the divine blocks. The Matsu spirit here is officially named Yu-De Matsu and the group is also called after her name and in English is YDM (Your Dearest Mother) Matsu Learning Group.

  並經擲笅確認同修會的永久會長為「育德媽祖」,創辦人 施勝台顧問為永久職的「總顧問」;凡本會的宗旨、定位、服務項目、修持課程架構…等活動,皆由 施顧問策劃提出,在會長「育德媽祖」神尊前擲笅,一一請示修正調整後,經擲笅許可,方交由幹部執行。

Furthermore, Matsu as well approved Yu-De Matsu as the permanent president and Mr. Shengtai Shi who founded the group as the permanent consultant. Mr. Shi will only process any plan with the consent from Yu-De Matsu by throwing the divine blocks before passing the work onto the members, such as the organization goals, values, services, and course lessons, etc.

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